Thursday, May 2, 2013

Same excuses, different results

I've been very bad and haven't posted on this blog for quite some time. Just so you know I'm not totally slacking, I'm trying to finish a skirt that I started a very long time ago.

Most of you will recognize it, it's Knitty's Carnaby skirt. I've been slowly working away at it for quite some time, but it's still got a ways to go.

In the meantime, I've still been very active on my jewellery blog, Blackmaille Jewellery. The most active blog, however, has been my family blog Many-Hues Acres. We're currently gearing up for spring, so it's been a very busy couple of months for us.

I've been busy beekeeping, so please forgive me.

Here's one of my little girls (Bonus: That's a tractor hat that I knitted for my Dad this Christmas! Lookit the little trains!)

I'll try to locate the chart for this hat. The hat itself was a modification of David's Hat. I ADORE this pattern. It's very easy to modify for multiple designs. I even did a hat for my Grandfather that had a celtic knot pattern around the earband! It was a super easy pattern to follow (especially when you use the Magic Loop knitting style.) I'll try to get a picture of him wearing it, unfortunately I wasn't able to give it to him this year as he was out of the country for Christmas, so I left it with my parents to gift it. Everyone tells me that he loves it though.